5 Things the Democrats Should Have Thought About
I know the election is over. I know there have been analyses from Larry King to Bill O'Rielly. Hear me out. Here's why Democrats couldn't knock an idiot like Bush out of office.
1. Morality. It's not that the left is morally reprehensible. Some democrats have great family lives, good jobs, and conservative life-styles. Then again, some democrats are AIDS infested sodomanistic anarchists with drug addictions that demand help (my money) from the US government. Extreme views are defining both political parties and thereby polarizing our country. In this election, people voted against their perceived "extreme" of the other side; and the average Americans' perception of the extreme left (gay marriage, communism, partial birth abortions) was far more disturbing than the average Americans' perception of the extreme right (gun ownership, the Bible, white people). The left lost the morality vote because they have none -- nothing that can be defined anyway. Most people would rather put up with the structured, right is right, wrong is wrong world-view that is a promoted in the Bible than embrace moral relativity, which by its very definition could lead anywhere. The left needs to find some kind of concrete ethical philosophy besides murky humanism, which can quickly lead to hedonism, to derive their ethics from. If the left does have a well defined ethical code, please let me know.
2. Osama's video did help.
3. The social fuel for the Democratic party has run dry. In past decades, racism and sexism were rampant. Not allowing certain kinds of people to vote is blatant discrimination. Fighting for equality is a staple of the democrats' argument. Now, everyone can vote; everyone can go anywhere; and everyone can make money. The most blatant examples of racism today are "glass ceilings." Weak. Something invisible by nature is hard to prove as real or just an excuse. Not all minorities are perfect angels; some of them would manipulate the system to get ahead, just like white people. All kinds of people can see that the extreme policies (affirmative action, college recruitment tactics, etc) used in the recent past have done their job to help minorities and women catch up. It does take one extreme to fix another, but leaving any extreme in order for too long just creates another lopsided situation. Maybe some women and minorities are discriminated against today, but no one really cares anymore because any recipient of prejudice often gets handed a healthy settlement; and America knows this. As far as gays are concerned, most of America still believes that homosexuality is a choice. Discrimination isn't the same when you ask for it. All in all, calling the right a bunch of bigots has kind of lost its punch; and, in this election, the typical "fight for equality" turned out to be a flaccid rallying cry.
4. When you put your political views aside and drop the fight for a minute, EVERYONE can agree that few kinds of people are more out of touch with reality than the American celebrity, regardless of their political stance. Video killed the campaigning star. Is Howard Stern cool? Yes. Does Eminem flex mad lyrical skillz? Yes. Is voting along side someone who sexualizes women for a living and calls it "free speech" or someone who talks about raping his own mother and publicly laughs at Christopher Reeves a hard pill to swallow? Hell Yes. Things will have to be pretty horrible before the whole of America votes with Hollywood.
5. Iraq was a moot point. We're not leaving any time soon not matter who got elected. A lot of people would rather not be bitched around by the UN, though.
So, there are the five reasons why the Democrats suck at campaigning. I think a sock puppet could have beaten Bush. I was all for Ollie in 2004.